Thursday, March 9, 2017

RKC Day 3! LUNGS! Light Snatch tests!

Hello friends!

Today's RKC Training was meant to target my lungs!  All my winter binges binge-watching, binge-eating, binge fucking, reared their nasty heads the past few months and I am OUT OF SHAPE.

So, I decided to get my heart pumping and my lungs expanding with some light Kettlebell Snatches.  For the Russian Kettlebell Certification, I have to complete the Dreaded Snatch Test. 100 Snatches in 5 minutes with a 24kg bell.   My preferred testing method is 10 Snatches on each hand on the minute, for 5 minutes.  I did that three times today, with smaller bells.

First Test!  16kg bell.  Completed in 4:40 seconds

Rested for 5 minutes, with a combination of Bear Crawls/Baby Crawls, fast and loose drills to loosen my forearms, and Cross Crawls.

Second Test! 14kg bell.  Completed in 4:35!

Rested for 5 minutes, with a combination of Bear Crawls/Baby Crawls, fast and loose drills to loosen my forearms, and Cross Crawls.

Third Test! 12kg Bell.  Completed in 4:08!  For this one, I didn't put the bell down for the final two sets.  So I did the last 20 continuously.  It really sucked!

Thanks for reading TEAM!  More to come!

1 comment:

  1. GET 'EM, GEOFF!!! I'm going to try and mirror these workouts. -Agent Smith
