Hello friends!
Today's RKC Training was meant to target my lungs! All my winter binges binge-watching, binge-eating, binge fucking, reared their nasty heads the past few months and I am OUT OF SHAPE.
So, I decided to get my heart pumping and my lungs expanding with some light Kettlebell Snatches. For the Russian Kettlebell Certification, I have to complete the Dreaded Snatch Test. 100 Snatches in 5 minutes with a 24kg bell. My preferred testing method is 10 Snatches on each hand on the minute, for 5 minutes. I did that three times today, with smaller bells.
First Test! 16kg bell. Completed in 4:40 seconds
Rested for 5 minutes, with a combination of Bear Crawls/Baby Crawls, fast and loose drills to loosen my forearms, and Cross Crawls.
Second Test! 14kg bell. Completed in 4:35!
Rested for 5 minutes, with a combination of Bear Crawls/Baby Crawls, fast and loose drills to loosen my forearms, and Cross Crawls.
Third Test! 12kg Bell. Completed in 4:08! For this one, I didn't put the bell down for the final two sets. So I did the last 20 continuously. It really sucked!
Thanks for reading TEAM! More to come!
Welcome! This is a place for people who seek strength. People who want to move without pain, and continue to move without pain throughout their lives. But overall, this is a place for people who want to be strong, who want to unleash their inner BADASS, their inner SUPER-HERO, to be the LEAN MEAN FIGHTING MACHINE they have always wanted to be. I will do the workouts, the literal heavy lifting, and if you find this interesting, come to New York and pay the iron price with me!!
GET 'EM, GEOFF!!! I'm going to try and mirror these workouts. -Agent Smith