Thursday, May 9, 2013

May 9th, 2013!!  BUTTS AND BICEPS BONANZA!!  This workout took place at Dan John's House, a.k.a. The Westridge Athletic Training (T.W.A.T.) Facility.  We were joined by Lindsay John, Rose Hemingway, Nick and Mike. (Sorry for the omission of Nick and Mike's last names, they did not sign a release form.)  I have posted my loads for the workout, and Rose's loads as well for the ladies who can hang.  For those who may not know, m'wife is a certified BADASS.  I digress.  On to the workout!!!

25-1-10  (KB Swings, Goblet Squat, High Steppers) I used a 28kg for these, Rose a 16kg.
90 Right: For this exercise, the Achiever places the Bell on the ground, horns down and pointed to the right. Achiever then places his RIGHT knee behind the bell, and the left knee is placed at a 90 degree angle perpendicular to left hip.  Nice, open crotch on this.  Now, with his right hand on the bell in front of him, the Achiever takes the left hand, reaches through his magic crotch opening, and grabs the heel of his right foot.  Hold here for a moment.  Then the Achiever brings the hand back through and places it on the ground next to the bell.  The Achiever goes into a push up position, left hand on ground, right hand on bell, and performs 1-3 push-ups.
90 Left: Same as above, but the bell horns are to the left, the left hand is on the bell, the left knee down.  The Right hand will reach through and hold.  1-3 push-ups at the end, left on the bell, right on the ground.
Ass To Grass:  This is just naked squatting.  No load, doing your best to put your ass to the grass while keeping your chest up.  Hang out here and breathe a few seconds.
90 Right
90 Left
Ass To Grass

Achiever Performs TWICE:

25 TRX Curls
25 TRX Rows
5 Rip Trainer Curls each side
Sled Pull:  Weighted with 45 plate
25 Loaded Glute Bridges (20kg each hip) (Ladies, use a single 20kg, put the bell on your bellybutton)
5 Heavy Goblet Squats (36kg) (Whatever is your heavy)
25 Swings (20kg) (Medium load these.  You will thank me.)

Special SFG Finisher: Snatch Test with 10kg bell.  20-15-10-5.

Cool Down: Windmill Stick
                    Stoney Stretch
                    Foam Roll as Needed

There it is my little Achievers!!  It was a bitch.  But a bitch that you want to call again in a couple of days,  because she makes you ache in ALL THE RIGHT PLACES.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I said Naked Squatting. And YEAH, I WILL post on my own blog!
